To be or not to be

an esport ?

Our vision of esports

We do not decide on behalf of the players or spectators whether a game will become an esport or not.

However, in terms of customer loyalty, it would be a good idea to influence this development

Because, what could be better than a loyal customer? A community of regular players!

Bigger Inside has done everything possible from the very beginning of its solution design to give its competitive experiences every chance to become regular practices.

Sport or esport ? Both

With Bigger Inside, the player becomes one with the game, he becomes the controller.

The principle of interaction based on body movements and not on the use of a weapon makes the game physically even more engaging.

Guaranteed fair play

No one likes to lose because of bugs or poor game design.
What could be more frustrating than missing out on victory cause to an unwanted wall crossing?
Here, no cheating is possible, or accidental crossing of the walls. The walls are real!

Optimized arenas

Video games offer increasingly large game arenas, sometimes several square kilometers. How to compete?

By offering optimized spaces for a concentrated and intense experience!

The use of a maze optimizes circulation and changes the perception of volumes thanks to partitioning.

The space at the service of the game

The scenery becomes an interactive element, an integral part of the experience.

By taking cover or using the scenery to their advantage, player behavior takes into account the real presence of walls.

The possibilities of interaction as well as the diversity of avatars' abilities are infinite.

Fully exploiting an avatar's potential will require numerous games that offer players a true character mastery curve, such as games like League of Legends or Overwatch.

The use of body language allow for natural interactions in game. Verbal and non-verbal communication is a pillar of cooperation in a competitive team game.

No show, no spectators.

To make a real e-sport game you need competition and spectators.

The principle of interaction based on body movements and not on the use of a weapon makes the game physically even more engaging.

Bigger Inside has developed an automatic realisation system that allows live games to be broadcasted on a big screen for all the games taking place in the arena but also in streaming during competitive events.

The replay function allows players to simply and autonomously visualize the game they have just played when leaving the arena.This allows them to extend the experience by consuming on the spot and this increase your average income.

For subscribed players the ability to view their game in streaming allows them to analyze in detail their performance in order to improve.

The use of body language allow for natural interactions in game. Verbal and non-verbal communication is a pillar of cooperation in a competitive team game.

Bigger Inside has developed an automatic realisation system that allows live games to be broadcasted on a big screen for all the games taking place in the arena but also in streaming during competitive events.

For subscribed players the ability to view their game in streaming allows them to analyze in detail their performance in order to improve.

The possibilities of interaction as well as the diversity of avatars' abilities are infinite.

Fully exploiting an avatar's potential will require numerous games that offer players a true character mastery curve, such as games like League of Legends or Overwatch.

No show, no spectators.

To make a real e-sport game you need competition and spectators.

The choice of full body motion capture allows for better readability and offers spectators spectacular actions to watch.

The replay function allows players to simply and autonomously visualize the game they have just played when leaving the arena.This allows them to extend the experience by consuming on the spot and this increase your average income.